Smart Running 10 Week Programme

Thanks Massey University Recreation Centre in conjunction with Absolute Fitness and Manawatu Striders!

“Whether you are just starting out as a runner, looking to improve your running time and technique or searching for ways to stay injury free, this programme is for you.
It includes 2 sessions weekly with one session to be a either an industry professional guest speaker (Nutrition, Podiatrist, Injury Prevention / Training ) or a physical session (Trigger Point Therapy, Yoga, Core Strength). The second weekly session will be a training run.”

For more information and to register click here:


Manawatu Turbos Rugby

Keen on Rugby?

The Manawatu Turbos are our local rugby team. Find out more at:

Our local rugby team!

The Bucket Heads are the fans of our Turbos. Find out more at:

How to become a bucket head

The Manawatu Turbos are our local rugby team. Check out their website for dates and deets

It’s common knowledge that bucket heads are pretty much the coolest fans at Turbos games. We know you’d like to join their ranks and rise to bucket head greatness.

“But it’s all too hard”, we hear you cry.

“They’re just too cool”, you exclaim.

Well, that is where you’re wrong my friend. Becoming a bucket head is actually deceptively simple. Just follow the seven-step Student City guide below and before you know it you’ll be on your way to fulfilling your bucket head dreams.

bucket00Step one: Get one of these

bucket01Step two: Do this

bucket02Step three: Take one of these

bucket03Step four: Do this

bucket04Step five: Get one of these

bucket05Step six: Cut it out like this

bucket06  Step seven: Put it on your head